Cancer and nutrition

Cancer or malignant neoplasm - Serious and deadly ailment of every living organism, which is characterized by pointless and rampant proliferation of one or more cells that escape the normal mode which ends with their own destruction and of the ions of the organism. Cancer is the second cause of death in modern humans.

According to the World Organisation for International Cancer Research, approximately 30-40% of cancers can be prevented with the appropriate dietary practices. Since antiquity, Hippocrates had already expected this factor when delivering to his pupils the famous excommunication of "Let be the food your unique therapeutic means!".

Unfortunately, however, we have moved away from this road. Without rejecting any of the exceptional therapeutic potential offered to us today by the pharmaceutical industry of the twenty-first century, is it not wise to reinvent these bases of health?

That is why the research relating to the nutrition and cancer see nowadays a significant development.

For example, the International Agency for Research on Cancer considers that it is possible to reduce by 30% the cancer of the esophagus and by 80% the throat and mouth cancer, with the daily consumption of 200 grams of green vegetables and citrus fruits.

One of the most important advancements of the modern medicine is the knowledge of the factors that predispose to appearance of this disease, the so-called risk factors.


  1. ultraviolet rays
  2. high temperature
  3. fluoride powder


  1. old scars from burns
  2. sores that do not heal


  1. Yellow butter
  2. colourings, lip rouge
  3. inhaling chromium, nickel, calcium
  4. professional (chimney cleaners)


  2. HORMONAL - obese individuals (cancer of the liver, the intestines, the urinary system)
  3. Nutrition - Lack of vitamin B12, riboflavin, choline, albumin (cancer of the liver and stomach)
  4. Heredity

Some of these factors are genetic in origin and are associated with the behaviour pattern. It is very important to know these secondary factors, because thanks to them we have the ability to influence our destiny. Regarding the nutrition we know the less regarding its role, which however, is very great. Contemporary research in the field of health consider with great care the role of nutrition in the development and prevention of cancer. According to the study of Dr Koysmin, who has been a pioneer in the research and study of the relationship between nutrition and cancer, the cancer's appearance constitutes

''A normal reaction of the body which has undergone into abnormal conditions for reasons basically nutritional and environmental. ''                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Koysmin (1904-1992)

It is true that tobacco kills, but the same is true for the sugars, white bread, chocolate and animal fats.


It is widely acknowledged that diets rich in fiber - containing for example lots of fruits, vegetables and nuts protect against some types of cancer.

So we choose

1. Foods rich in fiber and low in fat content

  • Wholegrain cereals
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Fish
  • Skinless chicken
  • Milk, yogurt and low-fat cheese

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, 200gr of green vegetables and citrus fruits per day are able to prevent by 30% the esophageal  cancer and by 20% the cancer of pharynx.

Unlike we avoid

2. Foods high in fat and low in fiber

  • High-fat meat
  • Chicken with skin
  • Deep fried foods
  • Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sauces
  • High-fat dairy products.
  • Salted, smoked, grilled on charcoal 

Numerous studies show that a healthy diet that includes less fat and especially fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and legumes, can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Everyday our body has to face the constant attack from harmful molecules which are called free radicals. These radicals are circulating throughout the body damaging healthy cells, leading to aging and may cause cancer. And so, the thoughtful nature has endowed the fruits and vegetables with protective substances called antioxidants. The role of antioxidants is to prevent the emergence of free radicals and to destroy the tumor cells before they cause damage.



  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Soybeans
  • Tomato
  • Tea

The crucifer vegetables inhibit the activation of carcinogenic substances and prevent the appearance of the esophageal, liver and colon cancer. They contain two substances, sulforaphane and indole, substances which prevent breast cancer. The indole 3 inhibits the secretion of a MB4 glycoprotein involved in the process of the breast carcinogenesis.

Garlic and onion contain sulfur compounds that oppose the evolution of various tumors (oesophagus, liver and colon).

Soybeans limit evolution of cancerous tumors by preventing the growth of neighbouring blood vessels. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and reduces the risk of cancer of all kinds. Especially for the prostate cancer the tomato reduces cancer incidence by 33%. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and protects against colon cancer.

Nutrition is associated with 40% of cancers in men and 60% in women.


  1. Fat and fatty foods
  2. Salted and smoked foods
  3. Food additives
  4. Spirits
  5. Obesity

1. Fat and fatty foods

The consumption of large amounts of fat increases your chances of getting breast, colon and prostate cancer.

In a balanced healthy diet the percentage of fats should not exceed 30% of total daily calories. Of great importance is the reduction of the animal fats. Reduce meat, butter, sauces, sweets and high-fat dairy products.

2. Salted and smoked foods

Many smoked contain nitrates which are chemical compounds that are added during food processing. Inside the intestines the nitrates associate with proteins and form nitrosamines that cause stomach and esophageal cancer.

3. Food additives

There are currently more than three hundred kinds of natural and synthetic additives. These substances are normally added during preparation, product processing or even during the time of preparation, transportation or storage.

They allow the elongation of the life of food, improving their appearance [pigments] or even improve their taste. The E320 and E321 antioxidants that may be contained in frying oils, in margarines with low fat, in chewing gum, ready-made soups in sachets or even peanuts, are suspected for tumour generation, if used at relatively high dosages. So we need to look at the food carefully and not to dig our grave with a fork.

4. Spirits

The excessive consumption of alcohol can cause cancer in the oral cavity, the esophagus, the liver, the breast and pancreas.

5. Obesity  

Obese people have an increased risk of cancer of the colon, bladder, breast and uterus. Obesity and the increased weight are associated with an increased risk of developing various types of cancers such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer in postmenopausal women, bowel cancer, endometrial, kidney and oesophagial. Pancreatic cancer is caused by obesity and excess insulin due to eating white bread and sugar. The accumulation of fat in the abdomen which leads to an increase in the girth is particularly annoying to the human body because it produces substances harmful for the organism associated with various forms of cancer.

Foods that act as protective factors for health in addition to dietary fiber, contain nutrients (Ba, Bb-carotene, Bc, and chemical components of crucifers) which prevent the development of certain types of cancer.


  • Wholegrain cereals
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Legumes
  • Starchy vegetables
  • Vegetables of the crucifer genus (Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radish, cabbage)


The most known carcinogenic substances are

  • Nitrosamines
  • Colourings and sweeteners
  • Smoked products
  • Additives

Are chemicals such as pesticides residues, food additives, air pollutants and substances contained in water. Some of these cause mutations and are carcinogenic.

Nitrosamines are substances that impart the famous pink hue in salami, ham and in some kinds of cheeses.

The saccharin favors the appearance of cancers and for this reason its use on the diet was restricted by regulations.

Smoked meats and fish have a strong carcinogenic effect due to the presence of toxic pollutants called benzopyrenes in skin products.


There is no doubt about it. We can reduce to a not a negligible percentage the risk of developing certain types of cancers by the use of our diet.


  • Prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances
  • Converts the substances that cause cancer into harmless compounds
  • Slows the growth of cancerous cells
  • We need to know that no food is in itself "Evil". You simply need to reduce excessive consumption or to reduce the intake of certain foods and not ban them.


  1. Eat balanced and with a variety
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables
  3. Less meat, less animal fats, more fish
  4. Eat less salt
  5. Consume less "simple" sugars
  6. Drink alcohol in small quantities
  7. Pay attention in the good maintenance and good way of cooking foods

In Conclusion. We cannot protect ourselves 100% form cancer, but we can certainly control many of the factors that increase the appearance of. We have a responsibility to ourselves and we need to do that in our power to protect it.

Source: Presentation at the 8th Conference on Clinical Oncology of Western Greece with the subject "Is preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases a common model?" at 22 & 23 of March 2013 by Juliette Papapolychroniadoy, BSc Pharmaceutical Science, London Metropolitan University, graduate in Journalism.

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